

Hannah Hughes
Hannah Hughes

Hannah Hughes

Indigenous Health Scholarship

University of Adelaide, SA
Bachelor of Oral Health
Scholarship Awarded 2019 – 2021
Sponsored by:

Rotary Clubs of Salisbury & Regent Park

Indigenous Health Scholarships Program

How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?

Studying a bachelor of Oral health is something in which I have always wanted to undertake. This line of study will see me being able to work a hands-on job which will allow me to interact with a diverse range of patients. I feel that when I graduate this course it will provide me with the satisfaction that I have made the right decision in my path of study.

When I graduate I have always intended on using this qualification t o help work towards improving dental health in remote regional communities. With many of these communities not being able to afford/travel for dental care and also not many practitioners wanting to travel to meet them this means that the dental health in these communities is rapidly deteriorating, because of this I am driven by the idea of being able to help out those who are less fortunate. As much as I am already aware of how poor oral care can impact someone’s health throughout my study my knowledge will be expanded upon and I will be able to inform and help those who are unaware and provide them with the care they need. Being able to do this and see everyone give a smile once their care is done is something which drives me every day to succeed with this plan I have set for myself and fills me with the desire to hopefully inspire other’s to follow along.