


The aim of the Rural Medical Scholarship is to provide incentives for medical students to complete at least one year in a rural area. This will encourage and influence the medical students to consider pursuing a medical career in rural Australia upon graduation or following postgraduate medical studies.   A career in rural medicine offers opportunities and experiences not available within urban areas. Students who choose to study within rural communities gain exposure to a wider variety of cases and clinical experiences.   This Scholarship would have the benefit of enjoying the fellowship of Rotarians and also expose the candidate to aspects of rural community life.

Brigette Treloar

Brigette Treloar

I grew up on a dairy farm in Meningie, and then later Victor Harbor in a family of 4 children, where I was exposed to numerous family health issues and navigating the health system. From the experiences of significant wait times to get into appointments and often having to travel for appointments, I developed a passion for rural health and any opportunity to help provide equal access to health care across rural Australia.

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