Multiplesclerosis - MS

Multiplesclerosis - MS

Multiplesclerosis - MS

Multiplesclerosis (MS), the body’s own immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the fatty material – called myelin – around the nerves.   Myelin is important for protecting and insulating nerves so that the electrical messages that the brain sends to the rest of the body, travel quickly and efficiently.MS is the most common acquired chronic neurological disease affecting young adults, often diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 40 and, in Australia, affects three times more women than men.

Dagmawi Haile

Dagmawi Haile

Dagmawi Chilot is a lecturer of clinical trials at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. He received his MSc in Clinical trials from Addis Ababa University, Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT Africa), Ethiopia in 2021; and his BSc degree in Nursing from the University of Gondar, Ethiopia in 2016.

Dagmawi joined the University of Gondar as a graduate assistant II in 2016. Alongside his academic duties, he has been working as deputy coordinator of the University of Gondar Clinical Trial Centre, and a clinical data manager expert fellow of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium.

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