

Tara Collaery
Tara Collaery

Tara Collaery

Rural Medical Scholarship 2024

Australian National University, ACT

Cowra Rural Clinical School
Scholarship Awarded 2024

Sponsored by:
Late PDG Joe Scorer Scholarship

Rural Medicine Scholarship Program

How would the Australian Rotary Rural Health Scholarship help with my studies at the Rural Clinical School?

During my year studying at the ANU Rural Clinical School in Cowra, my goal is to succeed with my studies, and make the most of the opportunity I am being given in being able to study there. Beyond just learning and applying that knowledge with skills, I also aim to learn more about Cowra, both from a rural healthcare perspective, and also through community involvement that will be available to me there.

With this scholarship, I hope to aid my studies financially, with additional textbooks and online resources that will extend my knowledge and understanding. I would also aim for at least some of these resources and additional learning to be specific to a future career I may want rurally.  This could also include conference attendances or Australian rural healthcare specific resources that will help guide my learning, provide me with mentors, and teach me more about the climate of rural healthcare that I hope to work in. Adding to my studies in this way should also help me maintain my motivation, which will be very valuable going into this clinical year away from Canberra, my medical school peers, and my family. It should also give me something to think on to come back to following my graduation from medical school, as I am curious about working as a rural GP, or rural generalist, from what I have seen of these careers so far.

Having this financial assistance will open opportunities to me that otherwise would not be possible, unless I were to work during the year (with this both not being recommended, and not suiting the time I hope to dedicate to studying). Through this, it would be able to reduce stress I experience, both through the financial reassurance, but also in that community involvement or events that I will be able to attend with it will be a good way to break up my studies with something interesting to do. By reducing stress levels, not only will I be able to better study and apply myself, but it will also help minimise burnout that I may experience through the year.

As well, I hope to use the money where I can to involve myself more in the Cowra community. From small things like being able to frequent local shops, to larger things like participating or attending larger events (like local theatre and supporting causes in town that are valuable to me), being able to feel involved in the town that I will be living in for the year will be very meaningful to me. It is also my hope that this community involvement better enables me to get a feel for what living in a rural town is like – having been born and raised in Canberra, but being open to living and working rurally in the future.

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