Ashlee Bence
Indigenous Health Scholarship
University of Western Australia, WA
Doctor of Dental Medicine
Scholarship Awarded 2018-2019
Sponsored by:
Rotary Club of Matilda Bay
How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?
I have chosen to dedicate my professional career and consequently a large portion of my life to improving health outcomes for the people of my community. Thus far, I have completed a Bachelor of Nursing and a Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing with Distinction. Prior to commencing the Doctor of Dental Medicine program with the University of Western Australia, I worked in a large public intensive care unit, nursing a variety of critically unwell patients. My collective experiences as a student and nurse have cultivated a passion for the fundamentals of basic healthcare, which strangely enough led to my interest in dentistry.
In terms of Indigenous health, the overall health inequalities experienced by Indigenous Australians is well known and well documented. Yet we continue to see this formidable gap in life expectancy, mortality and access to healthcare. In my mind dentistry is the way of the future for public health and we need more Indigenous dental practitioners in the field, as we are underrepresented.
I aim to complete my degree with honours and go on to make a positive impact on Indigenous health throughout my career in dentistry. I will strive to educate the community about healthy living and disease prevention whilst offering services that are accessible and affordable to all. For me the ultimate goal is to empower my patients with knowledge thereby fostering a sense of self-determination and confidence. Finally, as a proud and ambitious and ambitious Wurundjeri woman I will continually endeavour to be a role model for my community and show young Indigenous people that regardless of colour, creed or race you really can achieve anything.
Current Progressive Report
I am proud to say that I am now over half way through my final year of dentistry. I recently volunteered with the Australian Dental Foundation, Dental Rescue Day at the Oral Health Center in Nedlands providing dental treatment for those in our community from disadvantaged backgrounds. In 2 weeks’ time I’ll be joining the Kimberley Dental Team for their August trip, starting our journey in Broome making our way through to Halls Creek.
Currently I am working on bringing my resume together in preparation for finding a graduate position on the background of concluding treatment for my patients and finishing assignments. My research project is in its final stages of completion and my research partner and I have been invited to present at the 4th Asia Pacific Regional Congress of the International Association for Dental Research in Brisbane in November. With only 4 months to go, I have a lot to do in what feels like a very short amount of time.