

Bridget Gaul
Bridget Gaul

Bridget Gaul

Rural Medical Scholarship 2024

Australian National University, ACT

Bega Rural Clinical School
Scholarship Awarded 2024

Sponsored by:
Late PDG Joe Scorer Scholarship

Rural Medicine Scholarship Program

How would the Australian Rotary Rural Health Scholarship help with my studies at the Rural Clinical School?

It was only when I moved from my hometown on the Mid North Coast to Canberra for my university studies that I truly realised and appreciated the incredible sense of community that rural places hold that just can’t be replicated in a city environment. Growing up, I was always eager to engage in community events, whether it be to raise funds for local charities or show off the town in local events. That is one of the reasons I am so excited and grateful to be able to move to the Bega Valley next year to live, work and connect with the local community. For me, the Australian Rotary Health Rural Health Scholarship would enable me to do that in several ways.

Firstly, by being a recipient of the scholarship I would be given the opportunity to engage in local Rotary Club events to personally meet and thank the people who have gifted me with this opportunity. During all of high school I was actively engaged in my schools Rotary Interact Club and was elected as Treasurer during my final years at school. I loved volunteering with Rotary as I was able to meet and form friendships with so many people with shared interests and also raise funds for local causes that we were passionate about.

Secondly, the scholarship would be immensely appreciated to ease the financial pressure of moving to a new town and starting full time placement. As with most students, this aspect of medical school is incredibly challenging and stressful, and unfortunately comes with making sacrifices to make ends meet. The scholarship would allow me to continue my studies without an added financial burden. Finally, the scholarship would allow me to fully embrace Bega and meet and engage with the community. Moving to Bega and exploring the South Coast is something I have been wanting to do since I heard of the rural placement options 5 years ago – before I even started my medical degree. Coming from a similar coastal town (but much further north) I wanted to explore similar communities and options where I could live and work when I become a doctor. I was lucky enough to visit the region twice this year, and was amazed by the strong sense of community and friendliness of everyone I met. Next year I want to be able to engage in local community events, volunteer, and meet as many new people as I can to truly make the most out of my long-term rural year. In doing so, I also hope to give back to the local community because I already know that they will provide me with invaluable knowledge and experiences.

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