Caitlin Liddle
Indigenous Health Scholarship
University of New South Wales, NSW
Bachelor of Social Work
Scholarship Awarded 2019
Sponsored by:
Paul & Julia Reid & Dr King Gan
How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?
I am currently on the executive board of the Rural Allied Health and Medical Society (RAHMS) at my university as their Indigenous Community Engagement Activities Director organising any and all events surrounding Indigenous celebrations and raising awareness around Indigenous health. As well as being the Representative for Social Work for the same society. My aim for the role this year is to get more people interested and involved in rural health with a strong focus on Indigenous health. This is to get hopefully more medical and allied health students excited to get involved in the betterment of health for Aboriginal peoples. I am also in charge of planning a trip out to rural Australia of which I am hopping to visit Aboriginal Medical Services and schools to promote overall health and well-being and to show kids there are so many opportunities for them to get out and make a difference for our people; that they are not stuck where they are and are destined to be a certain way.
I am also currently an intern through the CareerTrackers Indigenous Internship Program at Life with out Barriers (LWB). I recently finished my summer internship ther of which I worked a s a disability support worker assisting clients with day to day activities such as eating, showering etc. I am planning on continuing my relation and internship with LWB in future years and working in their Indigenous sector. Ia ma hoping that over the next few years we will be able to widen the scope on what Indigenous related issues they cover so that I can continue my relationship with them after I graduate from university.
After I graduate university I plan on moving to Darwin and working in rural and remote Australia with our Indigenous youth on the plethora of issues that face them in poor mental health, high incarceration rates, high suicide rates, drug misuse and abuse and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. My aim is to change the life of at least one person knowing they will take their knowledge and growth back to their family and community enabling us all to move forward together.
Current Progressive Report
My second trimester of the year has been one of my most successful terms academically. In almost all assignments to date (this term) I have achieved a distinction or higher. Whilst, it has been a successful term in regards of academic marks I must reiterate that it was incredibly difficult for me to get through and seriously considered dropping out of university to complete a TAFE degree instead. However, with the support of those around me and perseverance I have continued to stay at university and succeed……