

Cassandra French
Cassandra French

Cassandra French

PDG Joe Scorer
Rural Nursing Scholarship 2024

University of Wollongong, NSW

Final Rural Placement – South-East Regional Hospital (Bega)
Post Grad Placement – South-East Regional Hospital (Bega)

Rural Nursing Scholarship Program

Why do I wish to do rural and remote training?

I grew up on a farm in a small regional town called Gundagai and moved to the Snowy Mountains when I was 10.   From there, I completed my secondary education at Monaro High School and received my higher school certificate.   I have just completed the final year of my degree of Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Wollongong Bega campus.

Nursing to me, is the start of a chapter of many more to come.   I see nursing as a challenging but rewarding career that is forever changing and adapting.   I am engaged in the endless number of opportunities it will open for me.  My end goal is to work in a rural hospital within the Emergency Department as a Registered Nurse with the opportunity to transition to a nurse practitioner role and travel to rural and remote Australia.

Throughout my nursing degree, I have had the opportunity to attend workplace experience and many regional hospitals.   From my workplace experiences I have been able to work within many different hospitals and with many other healthcare professionals.   For 2024, I have been lucky enough to have been offered a new graduate position at South East Regional Hospital within Bega; this opportunity will open numerous future career experiences and prospects.   I look forward to grow my knowledge and skill sets to help prepare me for my future as a rural registered nurse.

Final (University) Rural Report

During 2023 I was fortunate enough to have two critical care placements through my university at South east Regional Hospital ( my current workplace for new grad).


My first placement in late March/ early April was in the intensive care/ high dependence unit at SERH.

During the 4 weeks I was here I was given countless opportunities to practice and perform specialised skills learnt in university within a controlled environment.  This placement aided  in developing my  focused assessment skills for clinically ill patients. I got the opportunity to work with skilled experienced nurses with some mentoring throughout my placement and final year of university. this environment was open to me as a student asking any questions I may have had and if the nurse was unsure, spending the time to find the answer either through searching the intranet to find policies/procedures or discussing with other nurses or doctors.


My final placement of 5 weeks in August and September was in the emergency department at SERH.

This placement was the best placement for my study as it allowed me to work autonomously and build upon the basic skills I had already learnt throughout my nursing course.

From my first day, I had a patient load meaning a I was entirely responsible for my patients care needs with the supervision of the registered nurse I was paired with. At first, this was confronting and I doubted my ability but through doing it I learnt how to be proactive and built upon my time management skills.

I had endless opportunities on my placement and got to experience and see interesting procedures.

  • Resuscitation of patients
  • Bedside medical procedures -> chest drains
  • Radiology
  • Pathology
  • Patient load
  • Experience working with paediatric patients
  • Recognising and looking after deteriorating patients

Post Grad Rural Placement Report

As I look back on my first 10 months as a new graduate, I am truly amazed at how far I have come. It feels like just yesterday that I was stepping into this new role, full of excitement and a bit of nervousness. Each day has brought its own challenges and triumphs, and I can honestly say no two days have been the same.

Working in mental health has been a transformative experience for me. I have had the chance to develop not just my clinical skills but also my personal resilience. Taking on the role of Team Leader was a big step for me. It taught me so much about the importance of communication and teamwork, and I have loved the opportunity to support my colleagues while learning from them too. Transitioning to the High Dependency Unit was another eye opening experience, as I worked closely with some very vulnerable consumers.

One of the biggest changes I have noticed in myself is my confidence in handling difficult situations. My de-escalation skills have improved significantly, especially in high-stress moments like code black incidents. Administering IM medications in those scenarios has really challenged me, but it is also been rewarding to know that I can make a difference when it matters most.

I am thrilled to share that I have been offered a permanent position in the mental health ward next year. It feels great to know that I will have the chance to continue growing in a familiar environment.

I am also grateful for the scholarship I received, which has made it possible for me to pursue postgraduate studies while completing my new graduate year. I am excited to take on a Certificate in Drug and Alcohol Services and a Certificate in Domestic Violence Screening, and I am already thinking about starting my Master’s degree in Nursing. These studies are so important to me, not just for my career but because they allow me to dive deeper into areas I am passionate about.

Reflecting on this past year, I feel a sense of gratitude for the experiences I have had and the growth I have achieved. I can not wait to see what the future holds!


The last 12 months have gone so fast, and it is hard to believe that I have been a registered nurse for 1 year!!!   I have had the pleasure of completing my new gradate at southeast regional hospital in Bega. With my first 6 months in medical and my final 6 months in mental health.
The medical ward allowed me to apply my skills and knowledge, and skills learnt, straight out of university. Medical ward taught me how to time manage, priorities tasks and work within a team environment.

  • Medication administration
  • Blood transfusions
  • Voluntary assisted dying
  • Palliative care
  • Tracheostomy care

The mental health ward is where I have found my passion for nursing as no two days are the same. The ward consists of a high dependence unit and low dependency unit. The team in mental health are knowledgeable and passionate about their jobs, which therefore allow for a great learning space. Within the ward nurses work closely with the treating team – medical officers and psychiatrists, this allows for a good therapeutic relationship and allows for better patient advocacy.

  • Medication management
  • Withdrawal management
  • Violence preventions and descalation
  • Seclusion room
  • Working closely with allied health – social work and occupational therapists

This scholarship through Rotary has allowed me to apply my learning and set me up for my career.