Past Indigenous Health Scholarships Program

Past Indigenous Health Scholarships Program

Past Indigenous Health Scholarships Program

Shanamae Davies

Shanamae Davies

I have worked as an Aboriginal Health practitioner for almost 3 years and developed a deep passion for supporting my community. I have enrolled into a Bachelor of Health Sciences majoring in Health promotion as I would like to further my education enabling me to apply for positions of leadership or management.

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Marni McFarlane

Marni McFarlane

I aspire to complete the Bachelor of Medicine Surgery and specialise to become a qualified General Practitioner. I hope to move to rural and remote communities to offer health care services where they are lacking help for rural Indigenous and non Indigenous community. Coming from a rural area myself I have a deep understanding of the difficulties faced by the lack of health care in these areas and hope to assist with this issue.

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Linda Mulroney

Linda Mulroney

When I first began my nursing studies at Deakin University, I was determined to work full time, study full time and continue my role as a wife and mum thinking I was capable of doing everything, however, this impacted on my last trimester which I failed. This impacted my self esteem and my ability to be able to get back on track. After receiving help from Deakins course counsellors I have been able to re-focus on my situation and get back on track. In order to do this, I have sacrificed my financial comfort and given up work to take on full time study to ensure I am able to fully focus on my career goals. My education is a priority and one I have taken seriously which will also now impact on my limited finances. I believe in all my heart nursing is my purpose and any sacrifice I need to make will be worth it.

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Ashlee Jones

Ashlee Jones

As someone who has worked in aged care for almost 6 years, I have a passion to help people be the best version of themselves and to just assist even in the smallest way to make a difference. Although I love my job, I have always felt that I could do more. I have decided to pursue a career where I can assist people further.

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Haley Pickering

Haley Pickering

My name is Haley Pickering and I have just completed my first year as a nursing student at the University of SA. I am a strong Bardi woman and my family comes from Western Australia. Nursing is a rewarding, exciting, challenging and diverse profession that could take me anywhere. I believe that I am a caring person by nature and from a very young age have always loved helping people. I feel as if nursing is my ideal career that will be perfectly suited to me. This degree supports my future aspirations as I aspire to take my knowledge and work in Aboriginal communities. I would love to be able to provide better health services to Aboriginal people through the delivery of culturally safe and competent nursing and even midwifery services.

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Selena Hartman

Selena Hartman

My name is Selena (Nina) Hartman and I am a proud Ngarrindjeri woman from the Coorong and Lakes. I currenty work as an Enrolled Nurse and as a AMIC Practitioner through the Murray Bridge Hospital (part time). While doing these roles I have realised my passion is with midwifery. I enjoy antenatal, postnatal care and supporting in deliveries. Being there for our clients and seeing the strength a woman has at a time like birth is amazing. It is a beautiful experience and I also know there can be heartache as well while doing this job. As a current health worker I am aware of all the issues facing the health sector and I hope that I can help face those issues with the support of my workmates.

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