

Christine Zhu
Christine Zhu

Christine Zhu

Rural Medical Scholarship 2024

Australian National University, ACT

Cooma Rural Clinical School
Scholarship Awarded 2024

Sponsored by:
Late PDG Joe Scorer Scholarship

Rural Medicine Scholarship Program

How would the Australian Rotary Rural Health Scholarship help with my studies at the Rural Clinical School?

The Australian Rotary Health Rural Health Scholarship would provide substantial support for my studies at the Rural Clinical School. I have felt significant financial pressure being a student from affording the ever-increasing costs of living that includes, but are not limited to, groceries, rent, utilities and the soaring fuel prices solely on Youth Allowance.  While I was working, it was even harder to maintain other aspects of life including socialising, exercising and resting. I felt that I was under immense mental strain and was on the verge of burn out and had to quit work.

I anticipate that these pressures will only continue to increase as I move into clinical placement next year in a rural setting. Due to the nature of such learning, there will be less time outside of day-to-day learning as placement can take the same time as a full-time job. Furthermore, learning on placement is a different system to that of pre-clinical years and requires much more independent learning, self-direction and drive to pursue opportunities. Therefore, much more time and energy need to be invested into my studies next year to adapt to the new model of learning which will come with a steep learning curve. Moreover, expenses for food and petrol could be higher rurally and especially since I may need to may trips home to Sydney to help take care of my sister in person, petrol may be a significant expense.

The Australian Rotary Health Rural Health Scholarship would significantly help with my studies as it would free me up from working to learn and revise during rural placement. Freeing me up from having to work would also assist me with being able to maintain my wellbeing in the holistic sense by preventing premature burnout. This would make my learning and development as a doctor a long term and sustainable venture. The scholarship would also lessen my anxiety around finances and I would not have to make choices such as not being able to go back to Sydney because I am not able to afford petrol. Additionally, the scholarship would help me fulfil the role of a medical student in a balanced and healthy way where I can have time to not only learn but also to care for my own physical, mental and social needs. I would also love to pursue opportunities to immerse myself into a rural community as this is an unique and formative opportunity for me. In addition, I believe that with my time freed up to study, I would be able to be a better medical student who is better equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to give back and contribute to the community.

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