

Emily Solomon
Emily Solomon

Emily Solomon

Indigenous Health Scholarship

Deakin University, VIC
Bachelor of Nursing
Scholarship Awarded 2019
Sponsored by:

Rotary Club of Box Hill

Indigenous Health Scholarships Program

How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?

As a qualified medical practitioner or health worker, my aim is to provide support in a safe and quality and culturally safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I want to contribute to improving not only the physical and mental health or community members but care holistically for them. By working alongside other healthcare professionals, I could be an advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for their health, I hope to improve indigenous health by educating community members and leading by example supporting them throughout the choices they make. As a qualified medical practitioner and/or health worker working within Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities, it is important in closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. I would love to be involved in closing the gap and aiding people in accessing services that are required and appropriate to healthy outcomes and educating them and increasing their health literacy in regards to their own health.

I have previously worked In an Aboriginal Health Organisation as an Aboriginal health worker, so I know it is important for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders to be supported by community Organisations and health workers play an important role in advocating and accessing services for community members. I will contribute to improving Indigenous health by taking my qualification back home to community to educate and support community members and be the bridge that gaps indigenous and non-Indigenous health. I have always been passionate about health and nursing has always been a dream of mine to care for community and improve the health of my people. When I worked as an Aboriginal Health Worker, I worked along-side the dietitian to provide nutritious meals and teach the younger generation how to cook and eat healthier, as I believe prevention is better than a cure.

Education is important as it can improve someone’s health literacy on their holistic health, especially in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. It can motivate people to improve their physical, mental spiritual, emotional and social health and prevent illnesses and diseases. I want to implement education in all areas to reduce any risky behaviour so that healthy choices can be made throughout day to day life. I will contribute to improving Indigenous health as a Qualified health practitioner or health worker by supporting and advocating for Indigenous people’s by educating and providing assess and support needed for community to access services required for their health needs. I will continue to promote healthy life choices by educating and improving the health literacy of community members so that individuals can understand their own health and make healthier choices to improve their holistic health.

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