North Ryde eFun Run 2023
April 30, 2023 - May 7, 2023
The North Ryde eFun Run for Youth Mental Health is organised by the Rotary Club of North Ryde. The proceeds will go to Australian Rotary Health, for research into youth mental health and to support youth programs.
In 2021, the club transitioned the Fun Run to a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past 2 years, the eFun Run has raised over $20,000 for Youth Mental Health.
The event is open to the local and broader community, university and school students. Students, their parents and siblings, and the many residents and businesses of the area are invited to enter the eFun Run, paying a small entry donation.
Entrants nominate a distance they will challenge themselves to cover during the week. They can walk, run or jog in their own time, at their own pace, individually or in a team.
Each entrant or team can seek sponsorship for their challenge from their families, friends and colleagues through the eFun Run website: https://rotary-northryde-efunrun2023.raisely.com/
There are gift card prizes for the individual or team that raises the most in sponsorship.
For more information download the Information Sheet here.