

Jessica Dini
Jessica Dini

Jessica Dini

Indigenous Health Scholarship

Central Queensland University, QLD

Certificate of  Clinical Nursing
Scholarship Awarded 2023

Bachelor of Nursing
Scholarship Awarded 2022

Sponsored by:
Rotary Club of Cairns

Indigenous Health Scholarship Program

How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People experience the greatest health disparity of any race in Australia. This can be traced back to colonisation and the creation of assimilation and protectionism policies and programs that were introduced with the goal of the eradication of First Nations People. Being displaced, forcibly removed, relocated, and denied access to Country, lore, identity, family, and community by settlers continues to have ongoing effects on the social and cultural determinants of health for First Nations People. Evidence shows that understanding and addressing the cultural and social determinants of health are imperative to improving health outcomes for First Nations People.

To improve the health of First Nations People I intend to practice holistically and reflectively to ensure I am providing culturally safe and culturally competent care. I must understand the unique challenges and hardships First Nations People face daily in their endeavour to pursue better health. To reduce the negative impact of colonisation in health care services, I can ensure that I treat First Nations people with respect, foster autonomy, and self-determination and provide a safe space for First Nations people to feel safe in asking for services. I must acknowledge that as a female nurse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men may not want to be treated by me, and I must facilitate their healthcare how they choose when they choose and where they choose.

I must take steps to educate myself on my own values, belief, and biases and practice reflectively to ensure ongoing education and development in this area. I must ensure I know whose Country I am practicing on, I must value their knowledge, culture, and experience. On a larger scale, I must not ignore racism in any form and advocate for patients when they are not receiving the health care they deserve. I can identify discrimination and unconscious bias in the workplace and act on it.

Current Progressive Report

Term one was certainly an eye opener. I began my first rotation as a New Graduate Registered Nurse in a very busy and acute medical ward while studying the Graduate Certificate of Clinical Nursing. The first subject – Patient Deterioration in the Clinical Setting was certainly very relevant to my first six months of practice. I have learned many valuable skills and have built confidence in recognising and responding to patient deterioration in the hospital setting. I have been involved in caring for some very medically complex patients, which tests my knowledge and skills, and I am grateful for the opportunity to care for people in such a vulnerable state.

My second graduate rotation will be on a busy surgical ward, and I am looking forward to consolidating my knowledge to develop a high standard of clinical practice that meets the needs and expectations of the people I will be caring for.   The generous scholarship funding I have received from you has enabled me to work in the part-time capacity intended for novice nurses, which prevents burn-out and compassion fatigue.