

Lift the Lid
Lift the Lid

Lift the Lid
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Lift the Lid on Mental Illness is Australian Rotary Health’s National annual fundraising day for mental health research.

The campaign, founded by ARH Vice Chairman Greg Ross, started in 2016 in partnership with Rotary Clubs of Victoria. The event was such a success that it has now been extended to all Rotary Clubs across Australia.

Each year approximately 1-in-5 Australians will experience a mental illness and in order to help future generations of young Australians, we need to look ahead through research and find out how we can prevent this type of illness occurring.

You can support this wonderful initiative by making a donation on World Mental Health Day, October 10 to your local Rotary Club or to Australian Rotary Health. As we are also celebrating Hat Day, you are invited to hold an event and wear your most eye-catching hat.

For further information, please contact the Australian Rotary Health office on: (02) 8837 1900 or [email protected]