Linda Mulroney
Indigenous Health Scholarship
University of Adelaide, SA
Bachelor of Nursing
Scholarship Awarded 2020 - 2022
Sponsored by:
Rotary Club of Coromandel Valley
How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?
When I first began my nursing studies at Deakin University, I was determined to work full time, study full time and continue my role as a wife and mum thinking I was capable of doing everything, however, this impacted on my last trimester which I failed. This impacted my self esteem and my ability to be able to get back on track. After receiving help from Deakins course counsellors I have been able to re-focus on my situation and get back on track. In order to do this, I have sacrificed my financial comfort and given up work to take on full time study to ensure I am able to fully focus on my career goals. My education is a priority and one I have taken seriously which will also now impact on my limited finances. I believe in all my heart nursing is my purpose and any sacrifice I need to make will be worth it.
I want to be a great role model in my community by successfully completing my education. Being able to receive this scholarship will give me the opportunity to apply myself and set an example to other community members of the importance of further education for our people. My biggest aspiration is to myself, to be able to complete my career courses and be proud of myself knowing I did the hard work and with the help of this scholarship and can now provide my knowledge to my community and help to make a difference in their lives.