Montanna Doudle
Indigenous Health Scholarship
University of South Australia, SA
Bachelor of Human Movement (Exercise & Sport Science) Physiotherapy
Scholarship Awarded 2018-2021
Sponsored by:
Rotary Club of Gawler
How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?
I aspire to becoming a physiotherapist to assist in supporting the demands for health professions within today’s ageing population. Following the completion of my studies and accreditation as a physiotherapist, I aim to work within a physiotherapy clinic to gain experience in the workforce, and I intend to later establish my own physiotherapy clinic within the rural community where there is large demand but limited services.
I am from the country town of Port Lincoln, and I can see that so much can be done in regards to recruiting allied health professionals to rural and remote areas to assist in the prevention and treatment of injuries, diseases and conditions, which can be avoided and fixed with the appropriate services and facilities. I have a passion for helping others, and I am inspired to make a difference where possible.