Phoebe Boyd
PDG Joe Scorer
Rural Nursing Scholarship 2023
University of Wollongong, NSW
Final Rural Placement – Milton Ulladulla Hospital
Post Grad Placement – South-East Regional Hospital (Bega)
Why do I wish to do rural and remote training?
When I completed high school in a rural town on the far south coast of NSW, University of Wollongong Bega Campus gave me the opportunity to study my top preference of Nursing with passion while still being at home. This was important for me as I had grown up rurally and wanted to pursue my career without having to move my whole life to the big city.
Six weeks into my Bachelor of Nursing, CVOID-19 stopped everything worldwide, including university. Everything shifted from classroom involvement to online, self-paced and zoom learning. This was so hard to adapt to as the past schooling years of my life had been in a classroom. I took each day as it came, adapted to this new way of learning online.
While studying rurally and the impacts of COVDI-19, I believe brough out the best aspect of UOW for students, the support and encouragement was phenomenal. To know as a student, I could reach out and call the university I would always be supported, was the best support a student could ever ask for.
As my degree came closer to the finishing line, we returned to campus for our final semester of study, everyday greeted with smiles, laughter and support with a rural team was the best experience of my life. Applying for New Grad opportunities in my local area I felt so blessed to have support throughout the whole adventure. I have been privileged and blessed to be offered a position at South East Regional Hospital in Bega to begin my New Graduate RN career. Studying and working rurally, I can give to my community and hospital as I transition into a Registered Nurse.
Studying rurally has given me a sense of connection to country, unbelievable amount of support and over my 3 years at UOW Bega I have developed the best friendships and family, I will remember for life. My dreams while working in a rural hospital is to be involved in a great team to give back to the community that has supported me throughout the degree.
Final (University) Rural Report
My last clinical nursing placement of my degree was 5 weeks at a regional hospital in Milton Ulladulla NSW. I was 5 hours away from home and in a new environment, I was extremely nervous about starting my placement. I was allocated each week in a different department of the hospital including emergency, medical, theatre and oncology. I really enjoyed rotating through the regional hospital to work with each team and learn a range of skills. I felt that throughout this 5-week placement gave me the time and opportunities to consolidate my fundamental clinical nursing skills. Although I was very apprehensive to start my placement in Milton, I was overwhelmed with the support and education from all the nurses that worked at Milton.
Being 5 hours away from home for 5 weeks was a financially hard position to be in, placement was exhausted and physically demanding. I could not have completed this placement without the support of family, friends and my local community.
I was so proud of myself when I accomplished 5 weeks at Milton Hospital, I was devastated to leave the relationships I had built there. I was successful in a graduate position at South East Regional Hospital in Bega. This was very lucky of me to be able to complete my new graduate year close to home. My first rotation I was allocated medical ward, I was so nervous to start as I felt so much pressure from transitioning from a student to a Registered Nurse on a busy medical ward. I am currently in my second week on the ward and my confidence is slowly building, time management skills are coming together and after 3 long years of studying it is such an accomplishment to finally be a Registered Nurse. I am very excited to see what opportunities arise for me in 2023.
Post Grad Rural Placement Report
Yesterday I sat down for an annual review with my boss. Reflection is the best tool for improvement and myself, I have improved grown and learned so much more than I could even imagine at the start of 2023.
I have been a part of an amazing team that have shown me respect, friendship, and loyalty that I know I can rely on. I have a boss that I can always talk to, and I have a job that gives me satisfaction and a warm to help others. I couldn’t have appreciated this year more without writing these reflections.
The Australian Rotary Health, you have given me drive and supported me to stay at home close to my family while working rurally, I cannot thank you enough for the support and encouragement you do for all of us. If I could recommend one thing to any New Graduate Nurse is reach out, don’t be afraid, be excited. The first year of nursing will change you.
This year I have faced many ups and downs. One path I have appreciated this year is Palliative Care. Being that person to the family and the patient at their last days of life or the journey to is so special. Be that kind, caring person who cares for the patient but also the family. In the medical ward we have a lot of palliative care, and we have a palliative care team that I have gotten to know well and appreciate so much, because their job is so hard. It’s such a small town here in Bega, not too long ago I saw a patient’s wife at our local club and she approached me and gave me a big hug, thanking me for everything I did in that time. Being appreciated at work is one thing, but being recognised and appreciated out of work is something that my warm heart will never forget. This is why I do my job.
Exciting times are ahead for me, as halfway through this year I was successful with permanent position on medical. So, for now, I am staying medical ward at Southeast Regional Hospital, I am starting to do in charge shifts which is daunting and stressful, but I will take in my stride.
I am also getting ready to study again in 2024, I’ve decided to study high acuity nursing … never know where that might take me.
To the Australian Rotary Health, I really hope to see you again and you never know what the future holds. Thank you for all you do for the community.