New research funded by Australian Rotary Health is the first to show that social processing difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Williams Syndrome may occur when they see faces paired with biographical information. Kelsie Boulton from Macquarie University was awarded an Australian Rotary Health Funding [...]
A computer-based program that teaches children to focus their attention on the positives has been found to reduce anxiety, according to a new research study funded by Australian Rotary Health (ARH). ARH Mental Health Research Grant recipient Professor Allison Waters and her team at Griffith [...]
An Australian Rotary Health (ARH) funded research study has found that app-based treatments for depression with mood monitoring features, may be a positive alternative to seeking treatment face-to-face. From 2015-2018, Dr Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz at Deakin University was awarded an ARH Mental Health Research Grant to [...]
Puberty marks a transition in risk for the onset of mental health problems, but the earliest symptoms often begin before the physical changes of puberty start. Recent research funded by Australian Rotary Health has found different levels of adrenal hormones in primary school children can [...]
The combination of lifestyle-related treatments and nutraceuticals may reduce symptoms of depression in individuals with Bipolar Disorder, according to a new study funded by Australian Rotary Health. Dr Melanie Ashton from the IMPACT Research Centre at Deakin University was awarded an Australian Rotary Health Ian [...]
A recent Australian Rotary Health (ARH) funded study has revealed that a new mental health program is effective in reducing the use of unhelpful coping strategies among children with dyslexia. Dr Mark Boyes and his team at Curtin University were awarded an ARH Mental Health [...]
Brain games have been found to strengthen areas of the brain associated with mental illness, but do not necessarily prevent them, according to new research funded by Australian Rotary Health (ARH). Dr Louise Mewton from the University of New South Wales was awarded an ARH [...]
A study funded by Australian Rotary Health is the first to trial a mental health program co-designed and co-delivered by young people with experience of Out of Home Care (OoHC). As part of the ‘Bounce Project’, a study led by Australian Rotary Health Mental Health [...]
A new study funded by Australian Rotary Health has found that using social media may be leading young adolescents towards body image issues and eating disorder behaviours. In a recent article published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, a team of researchers at Flinders [...]
When statistics show that more than eight people die by suicide in Australia each day and around 65,300 attempt suicide each year, research into how to prevent suicide is more critical than ever. Australian Rotary Health has awarded funding to researchers across the country who [...]
Although parents’ employment usually takes place outside the home, jobs can have powerful and immediate influences on family life, according to a study funded by Australian Rotary Health. In 2014, Professor Lyndall Strazdins from Australian National University was awarded an ARH Mental Health Research Grant [...]
A new study funded by Australian Rotary Health (ARH) suggests a rise in the number of older Australians participating in screening methods for bowel cancer. Natalie Dodd from the University of Newcastle was awarded the Rotary District 9650 Bowelscan PhD Scholarship by ARH in 2015 [...]
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