

Samantha Skundric
Samantha Skundric

Samantha Skundric

Rural Medical Scholarship 2024

Western Sydney University, NSW

Bathurst Clinical School
Scholarship Awarded 2024

Sponsored by:
Rotary District 9675 Inspirational Women Awards

Rural Medicine Scholarship Program

How would the Australian Rotary Rural Health Scholarship help with my studies at the Rural Clinical School?

The Australian Rotary Health Rural Health Scholarship would greatly support myself as I transition my studies into the rural location. I have always been interested in studying in a rural area and broadening my scope for further work life potentially in a rural location. This scholarship would assist my transition to Bathurst and moving away from home for the first time would be a lot smoother until I can start supporting myself financially while being able to turn my focus to getting as much experience in the hospital and organising my study and assessments. I also hope to spend this time settling into the new environment and with this, I hope to put a good amount of time into my rural based MD research program which is looking at the comparison between screening and management of atrial fibrillation between urban and rural areas. I hope to complete and publish this paper as this would provide me with further research opportunities to discover other disparities in healthcare between rural and metropolitan areas, a great interest of mine. Being part of the Rotary Club I hope to share my research and potentially expand my knowledge of rural life and in particular rural healthcare. This will also allow me to explore my interest in working as a rural doctor in the future and build a foundation to secure potential long term opportunities.

Furthermore, I also look forward to joining the Rotary Club and getting to know the community I will be studying in as I feel this will be one of the best ways to make Bathurst more homely for myself and be able to involve myself in everything Bathurst has to offer. I think this will make me a better medical student as having a well balanced lifestyle while living away from home is imperative and I think being part of the Rotary Club will be a fantastic opportunity to be more socially involved and gain connections and relationships with the community in Bathurst. This scholarship will also enable me to give back to the community and participate in extracurricular activities, as a current Learn to Swim Instructor in Campbelltown area, I will bring my passion for swimming to Bathurst
and with the support of the scholarship that role will be less stressful.

In summary, this grant not only will serve financial assistance but will allow me to excel in my studies while becoming connected to the community while having a profound impact on my personal growth. I believe I will benefit from this scholarship during the transition to Bathurst and support my educational journey as well as lay the foundation for a future career in the medical field and rural healthcare.

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