

Teminya Fernando
Teminya Fernando

Teminya Fernando

Indigenous Health Scholarship 2023

University of Sydney, NSW

Masters of Public Health (Health Promotion and Advocacy)
Scholarship Awarded 2023

Sponsored by:
Rotary Club of Sutherland

Indigenous Health Scholarship Program

How will I contribute to improving Indigenous health as a qualified medical practitioner or health worker?

I am a Dunghutti woman from Kempsey on the Mid North Coast, NSW.   I was raised and still live in Kempsey.   In 2022 I completed the Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Health Promotions Social and Emotional Wellbeing.   I enjoyed returning to study as a mature aged student and was enthralled by the contend of the course, that I decided to continue on in 2023. to study the Masters in Public Health specialising in Health Promotions and Advocacy with an elective focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Climate Change and Public Health.

For Aboriginal people, we conceptualise good health as being holistic, including the physical, social, emotional cultural and spiritual wellbeing, for both the individual and the community.  It is intrinsically linked to our connections and belonging to country, kinship, culture and community. Through my studies I want to be able to explore the relationships between climate change and Aboriginal health, informing health promotion solutions to achieve climate justice for Aboriginal people in Australia.

This degree will build my knowledge and expertise so I can help Aboriginal people and communities to understand climate change, improve the climate-sensitive health conditions and socio-economic disadvantages, impacting on Aboriginal people and its adverse effects on cultural practices, health and well-being and the hindering measures to close the gap in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations.

Current Progress Report