The support of the Australian Rotary Health Scholarship will allow me to engage with more than just my clinical studies and aid in fostering a more well-rounded future rural clinician. I believe that as a medical professional working in the future resource limited areas like rural Australia, one requires a critical understanding of the limitations in delivering care but most importantly the skills and aspiration to improve the systems to address these barriers of health care delivery which I believe my engagement with research can in part teach me in doing.
Read more >During my year studying at the ANU Rural Clinical School in Cowra, my goal is to succeed with my studies, and make the most of the opportunity I am being given in being able to study there. Beyond just learning and applying that knowledge with skills, I also aim to learn more about Cowra, both from a rural healthcare perspective, and also through community involvement that will be available to me there.
With this scholarship, I hope to aid my studies financially, with additional textbooks and online resources that will extend my knowledge and understanding. I would also aim for at least some of these resources and additional learning to be specific to a future career I may want rurally.
Read more >The Australian Rotary Health Rural Health Scholarship would provide substantial support for my studies at the Rural Clinical School. I have felt significant financial pressure being a student from affording the ever-increasing costs of living that includes, but are not limited to, groceries, rent, utilities and the soaring fuel prices solely on Youth Allowance. While I was working, it was even harder to maintain other aspects of life including socialising, exercising and resting. I felt that I was under immense mental strain and was on the verge of burn out and had to quit work.
Read more >The support of the Australian Rotary Health Scholarship would allow me to engage with my clinical studies and the community in Cooma to my greatest extent. Throughout my high school, undergraduate, and postgraduate studies, I have always supported myself without the financial aid of my parents/family. I have maintained some level of paid work along with Centrelink Youth Allowance throughout each stage, although the time commitments required for my clinical studies are likely to make this more difficult to sustain. Without the need to rely on high amounts of paid work, I would be better positioned to get involved with the local community.
Read more >In my rural week in 2021, I travelled to Young and spent several days there, including attending a Rotary Club dinner event, following a GP in clinical practice, and meeting emergency workers for dinner. I now have the privilege of returning to Young for the entirety of 2023. I am applying for this scholarship for several reasons, but especially because of the positive experience I had meeting the Rotarians of Young in this short visit. Frankly, I am already going to seek out these Rotary connections during my year in the town, but this scholarship would make this an easier task. I have a history of volunteering for regional town organisations such as a community improvement group, St John Ambulance, and for a rural op-shop, and I will be attempting to volunteer with the Rotary Club in Young.
Read more >Firstly, the financial assistance which is generously provided by the Australian Rotary Health team will greatly enable me to focus on my studies and improve my skills effectively as a healthcare member by significantly reducing my financial stress. Unfortunately, because of my commitment to the Rural Clinical School I will no longer be employed by my current employer of 4 years, losing my main source of income. Additionally, recent complex family issues and familial financial stress means that I will not have financial support from close family and will therefore rely on government payments
Read more >I have been privileged to be welcomed into a vast number of rural and remote communities – from mentoring programs across WA, attending (now running) the Yalata Indigenous Kidney Health Festival, and attending John Flynn in Kapunda. I am beyond thrilled to participate in the highlight of my medical school journey, spending 5th year in Whyalla. This scholarship would reap a number of benefits, allowing me greater involvement and integration within the community. This scholarship would allow me to afford integration into the community through local sporting teams such as hockey, netball, tennis or footy. I love to remain active and believe that sports are a fundamental way of forming connections and growing bonds within rural towns.
Read more >I began my medical degree in 2020 when I moved from Western Australia to Canberra, leaving behind my family, friends and support network to pursue my career. I grew up in rural WA and have many fond memories. I also have sad memories of my family travelling 3 hours to Perth to access health care when my brother was diagnosed with epilepsy. This is something that has stuck with me and has influenced by decision to practice in a rural area when I graduate. I currently live in Goulburn and am relocating to Cooma next year to complete my third year of studies. I have enjoyed living in Goulburn so much and have built a support network of work colleagues and friends which I was severely lacking in Canberra.
Read more >To be a recipient of this scholarship from Australian Rotary Health would give me more time to dedicate towards study, more opportunities to get involved in local community activities and allow me to facilitate a better study/life balance throughout the year. Extra financial support will make it easier for me to make the most out of my rural year and ensure that I have a healthy balance between study, clinical experiences, community engagement and social, cultural and sporting events. I would love to be able to fully participate in what the community has to offer and not shy away due to financial obligations.
Read more >To be a recipient of this scholarship from Australian Rotary Health would give me more time to dedicate towards study, more opportunities to get involved in local community activities and allow me to facilitate a better study/life balance throughout the year. Extra financial support will make it easier for me to make the most out of my rural year and ensure that I have a healthy balance between study, clinical experiences, community engagement and social, cultural and sporting events. I would love to be able to fully participate in what the community has to offer and not shy away due to financial obligations.
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